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Employment Opportunities

Current openings:


Alameda County:

Assisted Living- 4 hours per quarter


Fresno County:

Assisted Living- 8 hours per quarter


Bakersfield County:

Assisted Living- 4 hour per quarter


Ventura County:

Behavioral Health- 8-10 hours Fridays


Los Angeles County:

Assisted Living- 12 hours per quarter

Group Homes- 8-16 per month


Merced County:

Assisted Living- 4-5 hours per quarter


Orange County:

Assisted Living- 20 hours per quarter


Riverside County:

Assisted Living- 20 hours per quarter


San Bernardino County:

Assisted Living- 16 hours per quarter

Group Homes- 4-8 hours per month


San Francisco County:

Assisted Living- 12 hours per quarter


San Luis Obispo County:

Group Homes- 16-32 hours per month

Assisted Living- 2-4 hours per quarter


Santa Clara County:

Assisted Living- 8 hours per quarter


Tulare County:

Assisted Living- 3-6 per quarter


Out of State:

Sun City, AZ- 4-5 hours per quarter




Please email Elissa at for more information.





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